This week our Sunday Supper included beets and sweet corn on the grill, cucumber salad with snap peas, dill, and onions, and locally sourced beef. YUM!
We currently have a surplus of cucumbers available at the farm, and I also have a surplus of sour cream in my refrigerator. That's what happens when you don't check to make sure you actually have sour cream before buying more! And, an already unopened container at that. When googling cucumber and sour cream recipes, I came across a couple for Hungarian Cucumber Salad and also a Cucumber & Snap Pea Salad. Since we had some picked snap peas left over from our Campground Cruise on Saturday, I decided to use the Cucumber & Snap Pea recipe from to get me started in making a cucumber salad creation for our meal.
You'll see I have made a few modifications to the recipe I found online. Since we also have a variety of onions and herbs available right now, I decided to throw in some chopped onions and fresh dill. The recipe says to whisk the sour cream and vinegar together first. I did not. I am sure the whisking evens out the sour cream consistency. Rookie mistake I guess, but it still tasted GREAT. I have tried a similar version of Creamy Cucumber Salad from with mayo, but since we had a surplus of sour cream, this is what we used for the cream. So moral of the story, use what you have for preventing food waste.
Be sure to check back each Sunday to get recipes, tips, and inspiration for meals and dishes prepared with locally grown vegetables you can get at our farm. There is always room for one more around the table, and we’d love to have you join our Sunday Supper movement every week! Be sure to share comments, pictures, or videos of your Sunday Supper by sharing them to our social media pages, tagging us @MariahsMums, and using the hashtags #TripleMFarm #SundaySupper.
We hope you enjoy this recipe and we look forward to breaking bread with all of you again next Sunday!
Your Farmers, Mariah & Greg Anderson
Creamy Cucumber & Snap Pea Salad
Yield: 4-6 servings
Prep Time: 10-15 minutes
Total Time: 1-2 hours chilled in the refrigerator
2 cucumbers
1-2 onions (depending on onion size)
1 pint of sugar snap peas
1/4 cup of fresh dill sea salt
freshly ground black pepper 1 cup sour cream 3 tablespoons of red wine vinegar (or white vinegar) paprika
Whisk together the sour cream, vinegar and set to the side. Peel the cucumbers and slice thin. Add and stir in cucumbers to the sour cream mixture. Chop or slice onions to preference. Add and stir in onions to the cream mixture. Trim snap peas and slice them into halves or thirds. Add and stir peas to the cream mixture. Chop dill. Add and stir in dill to the cream mixture. Salt and pepper to taste.
Serve immediately or chill a couple of hours before serving. Sprinkle in paprika to taste or top for presentation if desired.