This week's Sunday Supper is brought to you by our good friend, the GIANT Zucchini. Summer means sunshine, swimming pools and by August, it means GIANT ZUCCHINIS!
Zucchini can often take over and produce like crazy. In fact, most squash plants, including zucchini, are considered "bumper crops". They are the vegetable you end up giving away all summer! Speaking of giving it away, did you know that August 8 is National Sneak Some Zucchini Onto Your Neighbor’s Porch Day! I promise I am not making this up as a way to help you out with your zucchini surplus problems. If your neighbors already have your number on where all that zucchini is coming from on their porch, we think that August 8 would be a great opportunity to donate your zucchini and other fresh produce to a local food bank! Go ahead — rid yourself of excess bushels of zucchini. Because sharing is caring!!! And what better way to do that than to help those who need it.
Despite being over zucchini by this time of the year, it's REALLY a wonderful vegetable (actually it's a fruit) that is low in calories and full of folic acid, potassium and vitamin A! It's also full of fiber which is known for helping lower cholesterol. Zucchini is a very versatile. It can be added to all kinds of dishes with hardly a notice. Try it in soups, stews, salads, quick breads, even brownies! Besides making zucchini bread or shredding and freezing for baking in winter, zucchini boats are a simple and hardy meal that you can enjoy with the larger fruits of your harvest. Below is a recipe we enjoyed for this week's Sunday Supper! For an Italian flare, check out this additional recipe we shared on our blog last summer.
Be sure to check back each Sunday to get recipes, tips, and inspiration for meals and dishes prepared with locally grown vegetables you can get at our farm. There is always room for one more around the table, and we’d love to have you join our Sunday Supper movement every week! Be sure to share comments, pictures, or videos of your Sunday Supper by sharing them to our social media pages, tagging us @MariahsMums, and using the hashtags #TripleMFarm #SundaySupper.
We hope you enjoy this recipe and we look forward to breaking bread with all of you again next Sunday!
Your Farmers, Mariah & Greg Anderson
Simple Zucchini Boats
Yield: 4 servings Prep Time: 15-20 minutes Baking Time: 60 minutes
Ingredients 1-2 large zucchini 1 lb lean ground beef 2-3 sweet peppers chopped 1 small onion chopped
Fresh herbs chopped (sage, parsley, basil)
2 cups of marinara sauce
Salt & Pepper to taste Cheddar Cheese (optional) Directions Preheat oven to 375°F. Slice zucchini in half lengthwise and scoop out pulp. Place the zucchini in a a baking dish and set to the side. Chop onion, herbs, and sweet peppers and set to the side. In large frying pan, over medium heat, cook ground beef until browned and cooked through. Salt and pepper meat. Pour off fat, if necessary. Add in onions, herbs, and sweet peppers and brown with meet. Stir in the Marinara Sauce. Reduce heat and simmer. Stuff the zucchinis and top with shredded cheese (optional). Bake uncovered for 60 minutes or until the zucchinis are completely soft to the tip of a sharp paring knife.
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